EU Projects

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EU Projects

Since 1994, FCRI has a specialized unit in attracting European Union support for science outreach projects. This professional core accumulates considerable experience and expertise in managing a large number of transnational projects at the same time on various topics in the field of science communication and outreach, which generates knowledge and benefits for social progress.

At present, FCRI is involved in two European projects: Path2Integrity (2019-2022), on research integrity, and RRI-LEADERS (2021-2023) on responsible research and innovation in territories.

Recently, the FCRI has participated in projects such as PACITA (scientific advice for parliaments, 2011-2015); CIMULACT (focused on responsible research and innovation 2015-2018); and sysTEAM (focused on how to increase the use of STEAM philosophy in the education system 2017-2019).


Belén López


The EU projects in which the FCRI is involved are funded by different European Union programmes.

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