The Young Scientific Talents program aims to improve the learning of STEM, which takes place in secondary and high schools, while providing a wider and more complete scientific education to young people.
We are betting on the skills and dissemination talent of professionals in the agri-food sector as well as researchers and pre-doctoral and post-doctoral researchers from Catalan universities and/or research centers, with the formation of a team actively linked with the participating educational centers.
The objectives of the program are:
• Awaken and consolidate scientific and technological vocations, encourage young people to take an interest in studies linked to agri-food sciences (especially in agricultural schools) to ensure generational succession in the sector.
• Improve students’ knowledge of specific STEM areas linked to agri-food sciences.
• Show what the scientific method is and how it is applied in research activities.
• Inform participating teachers and students about technological innovations in the field of agri-food sciences.
• Train researchers and professionals in the agri-food sector in strategies to arouse students’ interest, design and plan hands-on activities and work on STEM projects.
This 2023-2024 academic year we have launched the first edition in five schools in the Lleida districts of La Noguera, Pallars-Jussà and Pallars-Sobirà.

Belén López
It collaborates
Program that has the support of the Department of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda